To hell in a Baxter box.

Meet the humble Baxter box. In all of the moves that I have made over the years, these boxes would have to be the ultimate for shifting a variety of things.  These boxes are used to hold and protect intravenous fluid bags (those clear bags of mostly water you see up on poles which have…

What to wear?

Brisbane type-in/out  Captain Burke Park 11m 9th of March.  Bring typewriter – and a camp chair.  With the type-out/in Only a few days away I’ve got a couple of things on my mind. Firstly, the weather. Like last year there’s a cyclone brewing off the coast, but at least this time there’s no expectation that…

Nick Cave & Typewriters.

*Many of the components of this blog entry will not be visible on an iPad or tablet* So, the Nick Cave film ‘20,000 days on earth’ is coming out soon, and the promotional dance has begun. The trailer has a significant amount of typewriter and writing love. I spotted two typewriters in the trailer, but…