Notes on abandoning Blogger.

I’ve personally become very critical of Google of late. While they offer some great and innovative services, they also lead the way in profiteering from mass data. The kind of data that you only become a small piece of, but hands a paying entity (not just commercial) information about you that you’d otherwise not openly present…

Skyriter platen recovering – Rino style.

For those who aren’t familiar with the story, Rino from the ‘Long, slow {typecast} blog‘ experimented with using an off-cut from a bicycle inner-tube to re-cover (or more accurately, cover) a platen. The idea was to get the typewriter to type quieter, and have a better grip on the paper. In effect, Rino was trying…

Typing in Palestine

The internet has an incredible way of spreading fabrications and miss-truths, often referred to as ‘counter-knowledge‘. Anyone with a barrow to push these days seems to produce a You-tube video, or a pithy slogan pasted over a photo that seems ‘true enough’ to be plausible, but not actually factually correct. All I need to do…

On Safari: The Bellarine Peninsula.

It was just one of those Wednesdays. The kind where you find yourself with a day off in the middle of the week, and you feel the need to get out and just look at the world around you. On this occasion I suggested to Miss Jane that her and I should hop into Ruby…