The Complete Metropolis

‘The complete Metropolis’ – Film.

As most of you know, I am a film lover. And I’d just like to share with you some of my thoughts, and recent experiences of my all-time favourite film.

Oh, and as usual pardon the normal ‘typecast’ typos and mistakes. 
One of the most iconic robots of cinema. This Art Deco design has influenced hundreds of works since. 

‘The New Tower Of Babel’. Much of the film takes inspiration from biblical tales, which unfortunately ended up seeing it cut ferociously by American censors. Much of it remained in the final film, but several key scenes had been stripped. 

For a 1927 silent film, the setting was incredible and took inspiration from New York for its impressive models used in ‘above ground city’. 

One big revelation of the complete metropolis: The statues holding Maria up are the 7 deadly sins. 

Expressionist Art Deco style – eat your heart out… 

Rotwang’s motivations are clearer, as he seeks revenge for the death of the woman he loved.

The ‘Pater Noster’ machine, which later turns into a ‘Moloch’ that workers are sacrificed into. 
If you are new to this film, track down the Georgio Moroder version from the 80’s. While it is incomplete, it is the easiest to watch with its colourisation and 80’s soundtrack that features some great musicians – including Freddy Mercury and Adam Ant. 

16 thoughts on “The Complete Metropolis

  1. Wow, I haven't seen “Metropolis” since around the time of the Moroder version. To be honest, I was perhaps a little too young to understand the political and religious overtones. And I recall the news about the lost Argentinian print. But, being an Art Deco fan myself, I thought the sets were astounding. And Maria the robot, has been the inspiration for nearly every humanoid droid in cinema (C-3PO. I'm talking to you).
    Nice write-up, Scott. It's ALWAYS nice to read about why a particular film means so much to somebody. Especially when the film becomes a life-changing moment.
    For me, it was “Casablanca”.


  2. I am always amazed when I see films of the late 20s into the 30s with the amazing clarity of the filming as well as the fantastic art deco style that was seemingly to lead to the future and never happened except on screen.

    The modern movies lost that. If they are about the future it is bleak and everything is a desert and run-down buildings (except for some of the space movies and they only have space ships (usually not very futuristic either)). It seems in the early 1900s people looked to a better neater more artistic and serene advanced world.

    Those buildings and elevated roads are really neat. I need to look for this film on DVD.


  3. I've loved this film for a long time. Some years ago when they had found a lot of the deleted scenes a cobbled-together version made the rounds and I got to see it at a community college. I'd like to see it again, now that they've polished it up.


  4. I haven't ever seen this movie, but I have always meant to in the back of my mind. Seeing this post may just push me over the edge!

    Also, I cannot seem to find an email address for you, so I'll ask here: did my letter make it there safely? My wife posted it for me, but when she told me how much it cost, it didn't sound like enough for shipping to Australia!


  5. So many great images in that film. They used to do a more painterly job of composition than they do now. Another great image is the “dance of Death” sequence. It's really stuck with me.


  6. Casablanca! Now I have an urge to go and watch that again. You know, I haven't watched that since a stinking hot summer in Melbourne in the 80's when I watched it one evening after it was presented by Bill Collins. Memories…..

    And yes, very good point with C3PO.


  7. I agree. Modern movies seem to busy wowing their audience with special effects and explosions, than charming them. Science fiction has become the worst for this – as Sci fi seems to have largely become about men killing men in unique ways.


  8. Thanks Richard. Cloud Atlas? Oh, going to have to look this one up. That's a stunning visual.

    Oddly enough, there is an episode of 'Stargate SG1″ that was a complete rip-off of Metropolis.

    Make sure you have 2 and a half hours to sit back and watch the film.


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