Bottom 10: The typewriters with the worst touch.


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The Imperial Bad Companion: The Litton Imperial 220

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The corona 3 Folding typewriter. Not made for speed and those long type bars are to blame.



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The poorly planned Plana.

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It may say BING, but it doesn’t ring your bell.


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If only this underwood typed like it looked.

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The massive dissapointment of the Masspro

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Make a poor quality typewriter? Ten-Four buddy!

Errrm, this should read ‘Ten-Forty, not Two-Forty’.

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Let of some steam, Bennett…

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Splendid by name, not so Splendid by type-feel.

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Fantastic to look at, blick to type on.

Fantastic to look at, blick to type on.

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14 thoughts on “Bottom 10: The typewriters with the worst touch.

  1. The few I have that you mention I agree on the Underwoods of the 50s, the splendid and kind-of the Corona 3. I like my Corona 3 except for the double shift. I’ve not found the keyboard wobbly or the action very slow. If I had a choice between keeping the Corona 3 or any of my Olympia machines, the Corona would stay.


  2. I agree on all of these except the Olympia. I like my SF. And oddly, many complain about how stiff the keyboard is — whereas you have the opposite complaint, if I understand correctly. Some of these little Olympias have a touch control that is VERY effective and can turn the keyboard into a tight trampoline.


    • It is interesting, as I have had 3 SFs so far, but none of them have felt particularly identical. The only similarities I have had have been the early ending of the strike the is – to me – so jarring.


  3. I’m surprised to see the Silver-Seiko Imperial at the top of that list. my Royal version is a right treat to type on. I suppose it might just be a condition thing, though – mine was in out-of-the-box new condition. (keys were not even yellowed)


  4. Enjoyed the often savage but amusing criticism! An orange 70s Adler Contessa I briefly owned was TRULY AWFUL, as was a Nakajima KMART. In comparison my Royal 240 (Silver-Seiko) is not so bad (although I must admit not that good either).


  5. I agree about the plastic Remingtons. Heavy, lacklustre, and awful to type on. The Olympia 99 is a love/hate for me. Feels spongy at times, and then other times it seems to type okay. Nice styling to it, though. Like a SM4 that’s been starved.


  6. Pingback: Let off some steam, Bennett (typewriter) | The Filthy Platen

  7. 50s Underwoods don’t get much love, but I must say my Quiet Tab Deluxe types great, plus it has that way cool typeface with those bulbous p, q, b, d characters. Plus it looks like a Buick! Funky cool!


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