The Tale Of The Stolen Royal.

I’d finished a late shift at work. It was 11:40 PM and I’d given myself an hour of de-tune time in front of the computer at the end of my workday so I popped onto the Facebook typewriter collectors page. A friend from Austria posted an article about a stolen typewriter, musing ‘Any of you missing one’?…

Ghost In The Shell (2017) a primer for the typosphere.

  Portions of this text were originally written on typewriter and converted to electronic text, while other parts were originally electronic and then re-typed. There’s original typed and electronic sections as well.  This is the trailer for the modern re-making of the Anime film. The Major is the lead protagonist in a team that investigates cyber-crime and…

The typewriters of Singapore

Early in September I had an opportunity to visit a country I have always been quite fascinated by. While its colonial past seems relatively peaceful, Singapore became a major flashpoint during the Second World War that had huge implications for the region, including Australia. It is an island that shares a waterway with the south…

Published! A celebration.

It is easy to feel history when you are walking down a 500 year old cobblestone road in Italy. Our story – the story of billions of people have flowed down such roads every day. A story that is worn into the stones and written on the walls. You can see it and you can…

Type O +VE podcast episode 2

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Japanese typewriters: New to the collection

A little while ago a friend of mine by the name of John Munroe sent me this great little Olivetti 32 ‘Katakana’ typewriter. I’d been keeping an eye out for such a machine for a number of years now, but as you may expect – such typewriters are generally non existent in markets that are…