Brisbane Type-in 2014 March 9.

Just a quick reminder that the Brisbane Type-in is still going ahead. I’ve yet to settle on a venue, as the original site that I had booked informed me that a large party was going to take place in the room next door, and were likely to be ‘very noisy’, so I’ve canned that and I’m searching for a new venue.

Please, if you are interested in coming, mail me  to let me know.

I’ll announce the new venue as soon as possible.

For the rest of you, set the date in your calendar. Natalie from NatsLapTaps is coming all the way from Darwin and I believe that Rob Messenger is still working on his plans. I’m busy trying to decide which of my machines to drag along! (as well as packing house, but that’s a different matter…)

***EDIT*** Steve K of Writelephant will be there, as well as Steve Snow from the Impatient Typewriter Mechanic. And of course – John lavery, our long suffering technical adviser over at McTaggart’s Workshop.

See you all soon.

And yes, both of those photos in the poster are mine, so don’t fret about copyright.

8 thoughts on “Brisbane Type-in 2014 March 9.

  1. Looking forward to it. I will be coming all the way from inner-suburban Brisbane. At least a 5 minute drive away. I was fretting up a storm over the potential copyright issues of those stunning photographs, so thanks for putting my mind at ease :p


  2. Some very informative Typoshereians! I would love to meet you and all of those fellows. I'm sure I could learn a ton of information on typewriters. Too bad (for me) you live so far away.


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