Cold, Hard Type 3.

Another book? Another book! The last two Cold, Hard Type books are great little tasting plates for the creativity of some of my fellow members of the Typosphere. If you have not read them yet, in the word of Molly Meldrum: Do yourself a favour. The can be found at: Well, this time…

Cold Hard Type.

In a group email recently Richard Polt discussed the idea of producing a book made up of contributed stories about typewriters and typing in a post apocalyptic world. And why not! I started writing a series something like that a little while ago which I am yet to finish. The first of which episode can…

The Knick – fiction takes on fact.

It has become a sad era for television. I can flick on box on any given night and see an array of cop shows, distorted ‘reality’ and teen-pandering supernaturalism. Outside of that there seems to be only ‘Game of Thrones’, which has been banned at our house (not by me). I’ve watched some incredibly well…